Invisible Man

 Invisible Man growth up with a belief that if he respected white people, did everything they wanted him to do, and worked hard that he would have a chance to prove himself to them, and that he and any other black man, could earn equality and respect. 

  “On my graduation day I delivered an oration in which I showed that humility was the secret, indeed, the very essence of progress… It was a great success. Everyone praised me and I was invited to give the speech at a gathering of the town’s leading white citizens. It was a triumph for our whole community. “

Being humble, listening white people, and behaving in the way they wanted him to, resulted in the way that he was given a scholarship to attend one of the best universities for black people in the South. 

In the university on narrators believes two persons had huge impacts, Dr. Bledsoe and Mr. Norton. Dr. Bledsoe was the president at the narrator’s college who represented the power and authority at the university and Mr. Norton was a wealthy white man who helped found the narrator’s college.

In the university Invisible Man still believed that hard work could get him great position and he was looking into his perfect role model, Dr. Bledsoe, the black man who “owned” the university. "If Dr. Bledsoe could do it, so could I. "He admired him because Dr. Bledsoe was an only black man who had a great position in the society, he was a president of the university, and the man who could shake hands with white people without being punished.

“I realized then that he was the only one of us whom I knew who could touch a white man with impunity.”

Dr. Bledsoe was a selfish, ambitious, and treacherous man. The man who believed that black people should always lie to white people, tell them what they want to hear, and pretend to be nigger to gain the power. Humility and hard work were included in his way of the success too. In the university he used the Founder, the man who fought for the place of black people in society, and who fought for black people to have some higher education. For Bledsoe Founder was just a tool to play with young, ambitious, and perspective students. Founder was a cover, a mask for his actions and selfishness. 

Dr. Bledsoe was not afraid of anything, and he was looking just himself, he would do anything just to keep his position, even betray his brothers (black people) to keep the position he had. But Invisible Man did not see that, he believed that black people always stay together and help each other in trouble. He believed that Dr. Bledsoe even thought expelled him from the school, would help him, that Bledsoe dedicate his life to help black people and that he would help him too, that he had given him an opportunity to live better life at North.   On the other hand we have Mr. Norton, the white man, who was giving donations to the university. He had everything in his life, but still he was not satisfied with his life, he wanted to be a new Founder, the man who would do something that would affect all black people’s lives.  He looks at all black people as his way of salvation. They are his destiny, if they succeed in their lives, he would save one life, and he would be happy and saved. He would know that he did something for black people and that he saved one life.

“You are important because if you fail I have failed by one individual…  You are my fate.”

Invisible Man believed in Mr. Norton and in his speech, he didn’t see the selfishness behind the words, and his acts, he saw a good man, who would always be there to help him and who cares about him. He looked at Mr. Norton as something above human being, as his rescuer, maybe even as a God.

“I felt closer to Mr. Norton, and felt that if he should see me, he would remember that it was I whom he connected so closely to his fate. “